You always wanted to go on a hike, just never got to it due to a million reasons, or maybe You used to hike years ago and want to get back into it again. Whatever reason You have to join You want a relaxed and safe experience away from the main tourist trails and enjoy the
company of a few like minded people.
- You have Your own personal gear: clothes, boots, rain gear, back pack, sleeping bag, mattress, stove, cutlery, etc
A detailed list is provided open admission and I kindly ask You not to get anything before You know what to buy, ok? - You carry Your own provisions (food), detailed instructions on what to bring and how
to prepare it are provided.
- You are prepared to leave any extras behind at the station if I consider that necessary to keep the weight of Your pack down
- You can carry 20kg (44lbs) for up to 20km (12.5 miles) in a day (this is the maximun, most days are shorter), this is important for the safety of the group.
Please talk to me if You´re not sure, ok? - If You don´t have (or can borrow) a tent that is fit for mountain use (if Your not sure about it, talk to me), You must let me know upon admission for me to provide a solution!
I can get some extra and am happy to help out if I just know it´s needed.
Failing to do this results in having to rent a tent from the tourist station at Your own expense.
What You get:
- A one week specially designed tour through some of the most beautiful valleys and ridges of northern Sweden (and maybe Norway)
- One day tour climb to see the view from a mountain peak, this is provided that the weather conditions allow for it to happen in a safe way
Should You prefer to have a rest day instead, You have the option to stay in the camp or take a short walk around the area - Detailed instructions what to bring/not to bring
- Six week email course on preparation of equipment and provision
- 3 group calls with Q&A on preparation
- Personalized suggestions for physical preparedness (if needed)
- 1 personal call to answer individual questions not adressed on gro
up calls
- Learn to use the map and the compass for navigation in mountain areas
- Every two participants are provided a map and a compass to use for the duration of the tour
- A short routine to warm up muscles and joints to get ready for the day and prevent injuries
- Learn how to light and maintain a camp fire in a safe way, provided that the weather conditions allow for it to happen in a safe way
- Personal attention and one-on-one time to get Your questions answered and help You make the most out of the experience
What´s the deal?
- Admission is on a first come, first serve basis – payment secures Your space in the group
- Be upfront with any physical or mental challenges, most of them can be solved
- Safety comes first, my decision is final on that point. Even if it means someone has to abort the tour early due to challenges
- Make sure You comply with passport and visa requirements, this is of no concern to anyone living in the EU, I can´t do anything if You get stopped at the border control
- Every participant is responsible for having insurance coverage, please check with Your provider that they cover physical activity (while traveling)
- No refunds, You can always transfer Your spot to another person if You can´t come, as long as he/she can be admitted
- I can´t do anything about the weather yet in every other area I promise to over deliver on my promises. You´ll have a blast when going through the experience as instructed!
Costs involved:
- The costs for personal equipment vary and depend on what You need to get new and what You could possibly borrow.
- Provision and snacks – depends on what You get and where You get it, I usually end up with approximately $100-150/week (SEK 900-1400:-) when shopping locally and preparing most of my food at home
- Air fare or train ticket to Kiruna – depends on where You travel from
- Local transportation – no more than $100:- (SEK 900:-)
- Sauna at the mountain cabins – approximately $12:-/person (SEK 100:-)
My fees:
Origin of participant determents currency, prices in US$ and € may be adjusted with exchange rate fluctuation.
Beginner: $497:- / €455:- / SEK 4500:-