You either did the beginners tour with me or have some experience with hiking in the past and consider Yourself a somewhat advanced hiker (in any case we do a personal interview to make sure we have a fit).
You want to see some more remote areas of the mountains in north Sweden and Norway and are willing to sacrifice some comfort and sweat equity for the experience. You know that Your physical and mental fitness carries You through the week even if weather gets rough or the hike is rather strenuous for a day or two.
- You have Your own personal gear: clothes, boots, rain gear, back pack, sleeping bag, mattress, tent, stove, cutlery, etc
A detailed list is provided open admission and I kindly ask You not to get anything before You know what to buy, ok? - You carry Your own provisions (food), detailed instructions
on what to bring and how to prepare it are provided.
- You have Your own compass and map of the area and know the basics of navigation
- You are prepared to leave any extras behind at the station if I consider that necessary to keep the weight of Your pack down
- You can carry 20kg (44lbs) for 15-30km (9.32-18.64 miles) in a day (this is the maximun, most days are shorter), this is important for the safety of the group.
What You get:
- A one week specially designed tour through some of the most beautiful valleys, passes and ridges of northern Sweden and/or Norway
Several opportunities to climb peaks, this is provided that the weather conditions allow for it to happen in a safe way - Detailed instructions what to bring/not to bring
- Six week email course on preparation of equipment and provision
- 3 group calls with Q&A on preparation
- Personalized suggestions for physical preparedness (if needed)
- 1 personal call to answer individual questions not adressed on group calls
- Advanced use of the map and the compass for navigation in mountain areas, preparing You for navigation in all weather conditions
- A short routine to warm up muscles and joints to get ready for the day and prevent injuries
- Mountain safety, do’s and don´t’s when hiking in these areas
- Personal attention and one-on-one time to get Your questions answered and help You make the most out of the experience
What´s the deal?
- Admission is on a first come, first serve basis – payment secures Your space in the group
- Be upfront at the interview – I use it to maximize the experience of the whole group
- Safety comes first, my decision is final on that point. Even if it means someone has to abort the tour early due to challenges
- Every participant is responsible for having insurance coverage, please check with Your provider that they cover physical activity (while traveling)
- No refunds, You can always transfer Your spot to another person if You can´t come, as long as he/she can be admitted
- I can´t do anything about the weather yet in every other area I promise to over deliver on my promises. You´ll have a blast when going through the experience as instructed!
Costs involved:
- The costs for personal equipment vary and depend on what You need to get new and what You could possibly borrow.
- Provision and snacks – depends on what You get and where You get it, I usually end up with approximately $100-150/week (SEK 900-1400:-) when shopping locally and preparing most of my food at home
- Air fare or train ticket to Kiruna – depends on where You travel from
- Local transportation – no more than $100:- (SEK 900:-)
- Sauna at the mountain cabins – approximately $12:-/person (SEK 100:-)
My fees:
Origin of participant determents currency, prices in US$ and € may be adjusted with exchange rate fluctuation.
Intermediate: $297:- / €275:- / SEK 2700:-